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    Learning can be entertaining

    Leading to A1 - A1

    Serija učbenikov Young Stars ima šest stopenj, primerna je za osnovnošolske učence, in sicer med 6. in 11. letom. Učbenik se lahko začne uporabljati s prvim ali tretjim poglavjem. Osredotoča se predvsem na komunikacijo, sledi razvoju in interesom te starostne skupine.

    Učenci se ne učijo le angleščine, temveč se učijo tudi uživati v učenju jezika s pomočjo pesmic, petja, zgodb, iger, projektov, animiranih videev in video tečaja World Watch. S to serijo učbenikov se bodo učenci navdušili na učenje angleščine in postali Mlade zvezde.

    Main features:
    • Sledi interesom in razvoju starostne skupine,
    • jasna predstavitev ključnega besedišča s pomočjo slik,
    • takojšnja vaja besedišča in struktur s pomočjo aktivnosti v obliki iger,
    • vsebuje tudi videe World Watch ter animirane zgodbe,
    • uravnoteženi moduli s pesmicami zgodbami, stvarnimi besedili, medkulturnimi informacijami in razvojem veščin,
    • raznotere aktivnosti ( poslušanje, govorjenje, igre, kratke pisne naloge z vajami iz slovnice, praktične aktivnosti in projekti),
    • veliko iger in aktivnosti v obliki iger, vključuje interaktivne igre v materialih za interaktivno tablo.
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      Young Stars (LS)

      Elérhető változaok
      Leading to A1 - A1

        Young Stars is a 6-level series for younger primary school students (aged 6-11). This dual entry course book can be started at level 1 or 3. Focusing especially on communication, it closely follows the development and interests of this age group. The books allow the teachers a lot of freedom to adapt the lessons to their students’ needs and the teacher’s books contain plenty of activities that can be done without the book. The World Watch videos and animated stories that accompany the series help to motivate the students and put language in context. With this series, the students will love learning English and become Young Stars.

        • Follows the interests and development of the age-group
        • Clear presentation of key vocabulary through pictures
        • Immediate practice on vocabulary and structures through game-like activities
        • Accompanied by World Watch videos and animated stories
        • Well-balanced modules with songs, stories, factual texts, cross-cultural information, and skills development
        • A variety of activities (listening, speaking, games, short writing activities with grammar practice, hands-on activities and projects)
        • Lots of games and game-like activities, including interactive games on the interactive whiteboard material.